Page 11 - ecobor-english
P. 11


        Apricot,  plum,  peach,  nectarine,  cherry,  sour  cherry,   Effects of ECOBOR on Stone Fruits:
        pomegranate, avocado, mango, etc. products..      Effects of ECOBOR on Stone Fruits: Provides an
        ECOBOR Deficiency in Stone Fruits In case:        increase in yield and increases the amount of
        Early  ripening,  cracking  of  fruits,  shape  and  quality.   flowering. It promotes rooting and prevents root rot.
        It increases the growth and development of the tree.  It increases the number of fruits that will strengthen
        isorders.                                         the bond of flowers..
        Brown spot formation on fruits. Shrinkage,        It extends the shelf life by improving fruit quality.
        thickening  and  brittleness  of  leaves.  Early  rosetting   It increases resistance to cold and drought.
        increases, and multiple thin branchings are       It  makes  it  difficult  for  fungal  and  bacterial  disease
        noticeable                                        agents to enter the plant.
        in the upper parts of the trees.                  Thanks to its special content, it prevents harmful
        A situation occurs when the plant cannot gain     insects from approaching the plant.
        resistance against fungal and bacterial diseases.  In long-term use, it prevents soil damage and
        Death occurs at growth points.                    improves
        Leaves and shoots are shed.                       its structure by breaking down previously
        For example; One side of the cherry fruit becomes flat   used chemical fertilizer residues.
        and fragmented. Fruit set and fruit ripening increas-
        es. A view is created.
         TEA & AROMATIC PLANTS                                         LEGUMS

                                                                      Chickpeas, lentils, black-eyed peas, beans,
        Tea, aronia, thyme, rosemary, etc. plants
        In Case of ECOBOR Deficiency in Tea and Aromatic              broad beans, peas, etc. products.
        Plants:                                                       In Case of ECOBOR Deficiency
        Severe reduction in growth and fruit formation. Weak-         in Legumes:
        ness in leaves and shoots.                                    Weakness in root structure.
        Weakness in roots.                                            Yellowing and shedding of leaves and
        Slowed growth and weakness.                                   bush
        Weakness in germination development.                          Slowdown in growth.
        Yellowing of the leaves and deficiency, poor flowering        Decrease in efficiency..
        and fertilization.                                            Short internode formation and prema-
        There is a decrease in efficiency..                           ture aging. There is a problem in nodule
        Effects of ECOBOR on Tea and Aromatic Plants:                 formation and nitrogen fixation..
        It strengthens root development by encouraging it.            Effects of ECOBOR on Legumes:
        Increases the number of formats.                              It ensures
        It increases flower setting and pollination.                  fullness of grains. Provides increase
        It encourages brotherhood.                                    in efficiency.
                                                                      It increases resistance to plant diseases.
                                                                      Thanks to its special content, it prevents
                                                                      insects from approaching the plant.
                                                                      Provides resistance to drought. It
                                                                      encourages branching and flowering..
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