Page 15 - ecobor-english
P. 15


        Tomato, eggplant, cucumber, beans, broccoli, kale, spin- Effects of ECOBOR on Vegetables and Greens:
        ach, artichoke, basil, sea beans, sorrel, purslane, peas,   Provides faster growth after each cutting (mowing).
        okra, broad beans, lettuce, cauliflower, pepper, zucchini,  It protects against frost in winter by increasing the
        watermelon, melon, cucumber, parsley, cress. , arugula,  number of shapes. It increases rooting and ensures
        dill, clover, spring onion, leek, fresh garlic, etc.   root development.
        In Case of ECOBOR Deficiency in Vegetables and     It increases the plant’s resistance to drought by
        Greens:                                            reducingwater use.
        Yellowing between the veins in the leaves, rosetting,   The increase in nodules to form on the roots and the
        shrinkage and deformities.                         improved stem structure enable leaf formation.
        Leaf stalks become brittle. Root                   It increases the shelf life of the product by increasing
        crops grow slower. Don’t be affected               its durability.
        by fungi.                                          Itensures the formation of large heads in vegetables
        Flower and ovary shedding.                         such as cauliflower and broccoli.
        Plant falls due to poor root development.          It ensures that the unique color of the plant is vibrant
        Blossom end rot.                                   and bright.

        The  soil is sterilized by starting the  application  before  Effects of ECOBOR in Greenhouse and Drip Irrigation:
        planting greenhouse products (tomatoes, cucumbers,   It increases rooting
        eggplants, peppers, etc.). Fungi that cause root rot are   It prevents root rot. It shortens   It extends shelf life. It
        removed. Thanks to ECOBOR’s rooting feature, it    the internode.              increases taste and aroma.
        contributes to the formation of a strong root structure.   It increases fertilization.  Provides standard fruit
        It thickens the body. It repels harmful insects in regular   It strengthens the fruit bond.   formation.
        use. Products with smooth shapes are obtained.     It improves product quality. It   It regulates the soil structure.
        ECOBOR reveals the quality of the product obtained   prevents deformity.       Provides pH balance.
        with its unique formula. It accelerates the operation of
        the plant in the winter season.
             FARM PLANTS                                          GARDEN PLANTS

        Benefits of Pre-October Application:                  Benefits of Post-Harvest Application:
        The soil is disinfected against root rot before planting with  Foliar application is made with ECOBOR after
        ECOBOR. Harmful chemicals remaining in                harvest. Thanks to this application, the fruit buds
        the soil in previous applications are neutralized. Harmful  that will form next year are opened. With the
        factors that will cause root rot are thus cleared from  application of ECOBOR after pruning, the
        the soil. The elements and organic matter needed by the  transmission of diseases to the next
        soil are met by ECOBOR. After new planting, drip, sprinkler  year is prevented. ECOBOR is applied in the
        and foliar applications are applied to the plant in the   specified doses before and after the flower and on
        methods and amounts listed in the application table.  the leaves at intervals of 20-25 days. Fruit quality
                                                              increases with regular applications. Improvement  13
                                                              in taste, color and aroma is observed..
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