Page 3 - ecobor-english
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World agriculture and soils have been contaminated with chemicals that are harmful to health for years,
and these chemicals have damaged the soil and the products grown in the soil for many years and contin-
ue to do so. Pesticides, which cause permanent damage to soils, have become indispensable for agricul-
tural production. The worse part is that
it has been forced to be used.
Today’s soils have fallen prey to such chemicals and some of the world’s soil has rapidly become infertile
and barren. In the last 50 years, 12% of the world’s soil (this rate is higher in our country’s soil) has
become uncultivable. Therefore, in order to both normalize the damaged soil structure and increase
product productivity, Turkish scientists and engineers have produced ECOBOR rich organomineral
liquid fertilizer, which has been tested in all soil and plant types, as a result of many years of work.
Research on the effects of boron element on plants dates back approximately 100 years. However, its
detailed discovery
Dates back to the last few years. As a result of scientific studies on the effects of boron on plants by the Boron
Institute, it has been determined that boron is the most effective microelement in plant metabolism. ECOBOR, which
accepts these studies as a reference, has produced a natural and organomineral plant nutrition fertilizer with rich content.
Our aim is to serve the farmers of other countries, especially the veteran farmers of our country, with
an economical, ecological and highly productive product. ECOBOR is a product of Natural Bor com-
pany, which was established with domestic capital. ECOBOR aims to open a new era in agriculture.
ECOBOR was produced to obtain high efficiency, natural and healthy products in agricultural
Ecobor is a rich organomineral plant fertilizer with boron element as its main ingredient and has the effect of
nourishing, protecting and strengthening plants. Its working principle provides the plant with a healthy structu-
re by strengthening the
root structure of the plant and accelerating the nutrient exchange between the plant and the soil. It disinfects
diseases in the soil and the plant. ECOBOR repels pests. Thanks to its strong protection feature, it prevents the
use of chemical drugs that harm human health. Boron is the cement of plant cell membranes. Therefore, in case